Aces and Eights: Aces High, Jokers Wild Book 4


Book Cover: Aces and Eights: Aces High, Jokers Wild Book 4
Editions:Hardcover: $ 14.00
Pages: 265

The year: 2157

The mission: change everything
The Unit: Democratic State Force Base 1407

Call handle: The Wildcards

Seven Corporations control what was the United States of America. The food supply and its production is controlled by American AgCo. All agricultural seeds in the United States have been genetically designed to fail outside Corporate control.
At least, that’s what the Corporations say.

There’s a rumor that a seed bank has survived the destabilization that brought down old America, and the seventy-five years of Corporate ownership that followed. If it still exists, it would provide free, accessible food for the Democratic State Force and everyone in their care. It’s a risky hunt for a treasure that may or may not exist. Something to put the most resourceful team in the Force to work on. The Wildcards just got the call.

A hunt for hidden treasure.
Free food.
What could go wrong?
Never ask that question. Life’s a bitch. She’ll answer.


Fort Collins was a little greener than Denver, with poplars and honeylocust trees growing up to shade the streets as well as shade-cloth. The ads here were mostly for leisure activities, a little less intense than the ones back home.

As they rode, Kevin glanced at Aidan and smiled. Pulling out his tab, he brought up a playlist. The first song was soft and hopeful, full of happy flute, guitar and words about being sent on your way.

Kevin reached out and took Aidan’s hand, squeezing it tight. The excitement that had been bubbling through them both since Kevin’s birthday fizzed in Aidan’s chest. He shot his boyfriend a grin as the wide Fort Collins roads rolled out ahead, and the sun came through the clouds.


A new song started, bright and energizing as the spring sunlight. Kevin grinned and tapped his tab, projecting a window with the lyrics between them.

“I think you’ll like this one, love.”

Aidan read the words as the artist and Kevin sang. They were words of hope in the face of trouble, fierce and full of hope.

Kevin threw his head back, his red hair blazing as he sang,

“You broke the boy in me, but you won’t break the man!”

Aidan grinned, loving the sight so much. Kevin caught his eye, and the world was full of wonder.

For the hell of it, Aidan raised his own rough voice, and sang with his boyfriend about Saint Elmo’s fire burning and banners flying, while they rode towards a meeting that might just change their lives for the better.



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